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How to tag your infrastructure

This guide shows you how to configure tagging to meet the tagging standard using infrastructure as code.


To add consistent tags to every resource created by a particular provider within a repo, use the default_tags block in your terraform provider block. This will cascade any tags you specify to all resources created by terraform. For example:

provider "aws" {
region = "eu-west-2"
default_tags {
tags = {
Application = "Developer Playbook"
TeamEmail = ""
Environment = "production"

See how we use this in LBHackney-IT/ce-dns for a real-world example, including passing variables into the tag block.

Dynamic tags in Terraform

Tags such as AutomationBuildUrl change every time we run the build in CI. Terraform doesn't support reading environment variables directly in the provider, so we need to pass these in as Terraform variables.

Here's an example for how to add AutomationBuildUrl:

  1. Create a variable to hold the value in

    ℹ️ We use snake_case for variable names to match the Terraform convention

    variable "automation_build_url" {
    description = "The URL of the CI build that deployed or modified this infrastructure"
    type = string
    nullable = false
  2. Use the environment variable in where you're defining your tags:

    provider "aws" {
    default_tags {
    # ...
    AutomationBuildUrl = var.automation_build_url
  3. Then reference the environment variables in tfvars/production.tfvars, tfvars/staging.tfvars, and any other environments you have.

    • For CircleCI this will look like:

      automation_build_url = $CIRCLE_BUILD_URL
    • For GitHub Actions this will look like:

      automation_build_url = ${GITHUB_SERVER_URL}/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/actions/runs/${GITHUB_RUN_ID}

Serverless Framework

In order to add tagging to AWS resources managed by Serverless Framework:

  1. Install the serverless-plugin-resource-tagging Node module, e.g. npm install serverless-plugin-resource-tagging or yarn add serverless-plugin-resource-tagging.
  2. Add the plugin to the plugins list in serverless.yml in your project and add the tags under stackTags, e.g.:
    # ...
    Application: "Developer Playbook"
    TeamEmail: ""
    Environment: "production"

    # For CircleCI
    AutomationBuildUrl: ${env:CIRCLE_BUILD_URL}

    # For GitHub Actions
    AutomationBuildUrl: ${env:GITHUB_SERVER_URL}/${env:GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/actions/runs/${env:GITHUB_RUN_ID}

    - serverless-plugin-resource-tagging

Refer to the tagging standard for a full list of mandatory and optional tags.